a couple of weeks ago I started helping out an initiative called "adopt a revolution". They are raising money and directly support local communities trying to improve the situation for the people in Syria.
Although my main task there is translating reports and articles and writing blog posts the work is very fulfilling for me, because it gives me some kind of feeling that I am not totally powerless in facing the Syrian civil war that my own family is suffering from.
To give you an idea what the raised money goes into we are cooperating with local comitees in Syria that have taken on many tasks that were prior to the war fulfilled by local administration. For example we are supporting local commitees to restore the functionality of damaged hospitals and schools.
To get an idea of te projects that are supported you can visit their blog too.
I have felt heplpless and powerless in face of the disastrous and ongoing crisis in Syria but through the work with adopt a revolution I feel that at least I can contribute to imüroving the situation for some people in Syria and hopefully help to rebuild the intl pressure through their advocacy work. in this the main aim of adopt a revolution is to focus doners and policy makers on supporting the civilians and improving their daily lives in face of the ongoing conflict.
I think adopt a revoultion is an organization worth supporting. Everyone can contribute something. So go to there website and if you care about what happens to the people in Syria and you feel that the projects supported by adopt a revolution are worth it support us and support a free Syria!