"University Autonomy Decline: Causes, Responses, and Implications for Academic Freedom", Routledge UK, 2022 – with Kirsten R. Lyer and Janika Spannagel - find the book here
"Safer Field Research in the Social Sciences. A Guide to Human and Digital Security in Hostile Environments", SAGE UK, 2020 – with: Jannis Grimm; Kevin Koehler; Ellen Lust und Isabell Schierenbeck - find the book here
"Researching Academic Freedom: Guidelines and Sample Studies", FAU University Press, Erlangen, 2020 – with Katrin Kinzelbach and Janika Spannagel – available online
Journal Articles and Published Working Papers
"Global data on the freedom indispensable for scientific research: towards a reconciliation of academic reputation and academic freedom"– with Katrin Kinzelbach and Janika Spannagel, in: The International Journal of Human Rights (2021) – available online
"The Academic Freedom Index and Other New Indicators Relating to Academic Space: An Introduction" – with Katrin Kinzelbach and Janika Spannagel, in: V-Dem Users Working Paper Series (2020) 26 – download here
"Free Research in Fearful Times: Conceptualising an Index to Monitor Academic Freedom" - with Jannis Grimm, in: Inter-disciplinary Political Studies (2017) vol. 1, pp. 42-75 – download here
"Change or Charade? Morocco's constitutional reform process 2011" in: ORIENT German journal for Politics, Economics and Culture of the Middle East (2016) vol. 3, pp. 50-55 – download here
Contributions to Edited Volumes
"Academic Freedom in the MENA Region: Universities under Siege" in: Mediterranean Handbook (2018), pp.313-316. – available online
"Dilemma of simultaneity" – with Wolfgang Merkel in: Oxford Handbook of Economic, Political and Social Transformation, Raj Kollmorgen, Wolfgang Merkel, Hans-Jürgen Wagener (edts), pp. 471-479, Oxford University Press. - available here
"Dilemmata der Gleichzeitigkeit” - with Wolfgang Merkel in: Handbuch zur Transformationsforschung, Raj Kollmorgen, Wolfgang Merkel, Hans-Jürgen Wagener (Hrsg.), 2015, pp. 517-526, VS Verlag – available online (german only)
"Security of the Public Sphere: Meeting place in an area of tension between control, freedom and democracy.” - with Jonas Hagmann in: Bulletin zur Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik 2013 – available online (german only)
Policy Briefs
"Shrinking Spaces in the Middle East and North Africa: Supporting Civil Society Resilience" IDOS policy Brief 17/2023 - available online
"Free Universities: Putting the Academic Freedom Index into Action" with Katrin Kinzelbach, Janika Spannagel and Robert Quinn, GPPi Policy Report – available online
"No Rivals to the King. The Limits to Political Reform in Morocco's 'Enlightened Authoritarianism'" with Isabelle Werenfels in: SWP Comments 2017/C 17, May 2017 – available online (in german and english)
Unpublished Manuscripts
"Killing them softly? Assessing Pre-emptive Repression in Russia and Egypt" – with Ed Stoddard (University of Portsmouth) – download working paper
"Neutralization through Reform? Constitutional Reforms in Morocco 2011 and the Legitimacy of Contested authoritarian Regimes" – download working paper
"Share It or Lose It? Authoritarian Power-Sharing and Regime Stability in Multi-Ethnic States." – with Yannick Pengl (ETH Zürich) –
download paper manuscript
Book Reviews
"Die neuen Staatsfeinde. Wie Helfer syrischer Flüchtlinge in Deutschland Kriminalsiert werden." Buchen, Stefan 2014 Online rezension beim Alsharq Blog
“Europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik – Anspruch oder Wirklichkeit?“ Volker Epping, Christiane Lemke, Alim Baluch (Edts.), Berlin (LIT Verlag), in S+F. Sicherheit + Frieden. Security + Peace, volume 4/2011; pp. 292-4
“Geheimdienste in Europa - Transformation, Kooperation und Kontrolle” Thomas Jäger, Anna Daun (Edts.), Wiesbaden (VS Verlag), in S+F. Sicherheit + Frieden. Security + Peace, volume 2/2011; pp. 137-8
“The Afghanistan Challenge: Hard Realities & Strategic Choices” Hans-Georg Ehrhart / Charles C. Pentland (Edts.), McGill Queens University Press in S+F. Sicherheit + Frieden. Security + Peace, volume 2/2010; pp. 124-5
Analysis and Blog posts (selection)
"Der Schwindende Mythos der Facebook Revolution" at Qantara - available online
"Europe's misguided applause for Morocco's reform process" at Open Democracy - available online
"False solidarity. Military adventures in Syria are morally wrong and not effective." – with Jannis Grimm at the IPG Journal in international politics - available online (german only)
"A Plea for Diplomacy" piece on Syrian civil war and a potential way forward at the LSE Middle East Blog with Niklas Kossow - available online
"Der Sommer des Palasts. Marokkos Monarchie erstickt die Demokratie mit Reformen" - available online (german only)
"The Tunisian path. Challenging second phase of the transition" - available online (german only)
"The Securitisation of Stability and the Demise of the Arab Uprisings" at the LSE Middle East Blog - available online
“Prospects for the Middle East – Democratization & the Arab Spring” in the science category of the IFAIR think tank – available online
"Ägyptisches Paradox und europäisches Mantra - ein Gespräch mit Ilyas Saliba von Amnesty International über Menschenrechte am Nil" in: Al Sharq Blog – available online (german only)
For more non-Academic Publications such as opeds and interviews see my portfolio on torial
"University Autonomy Decline: Causes, Responses, and Implications for Academic Freedom", Routledge UK, 2022 – with Kirsten R. Lyer and Janika Spannagel - find the book here
"Safer Field Research in the Social Sciences. A Guide to Human and Digital Security in Hostile Environments", SAGE UK, 2020 – with: Jannis Grimm; Kevin Koehler; Ellen Lust und Isabell Schierenbeck - find the book here
"Researching Academic Freedom: Guidelines and Sample Studies", FAU University Press, Erlangen, 2020 – with Katrin Kinzelbach and Janika Spannagel – available online
Journal Articles and Published Working Papers
"Global data on the freedom indispensable for scientific research: towards a reconciliation of academic reputation and academic freedom"– with Katrin Kinzelbach and Janika Spannagel, in: The International Journal of Human Rights (2021) – available online
"The Academic Freedom Index and Other New Indicators Relating to Academic Space: An Introduction" – with Katrin Kinzelbach and Janika Spannagel, in: V-Dem Users Working Paper Series (2020) 26 – download here
"Free Research in Fearful Times: Conceptualising an Index to Monitor Academic Freedom" - with Jannis Grimm, in: Inter-disciplinary Political Studies (2017) vol. 1, pp. 42-75 – download here
"Change or Charade? Morocco's constitutional reform process 2011" in: ORIENT German journal for Politics, Economics and Culture of the Middle East (2016) vol. 3, pp. 50-55 – download here
Contributions to Edited Volumes
"Academic Freedom in the MENA Region: Universities under Siege" in: Mediterranean Handbook (2018), pp.313-316. – available online
"Dilemma of simultaneity" – with Wolfgang Merkel in: Oxford Handbook of Economic, Political and Social Transformation, Raj Kollmorgen, Wolfgang Merkel, Hans-Jürgen Wagener (edts), pp. 471-479, Oxford University Press. - available here
"Dilemmata der Gleichzeitigkeit” - with Wolfgang Merkel in: Handbuch zur Transformationsforschung, Raj Kollmorgen, Wolfgang Merkel, Hans-Jürgen Wagener (Hrsg.), 2015, pp. 517-526, VS Verlag – available online (german only)
"Security of the Public Sphere: Meeting place in an area of tension between control, freedom and democracy.” - with Jonas Hagmann in: Bulletin zur Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik 2013 – available online (german only)
Policy Briefs
"Shrinking Spaces in the Middle East and North Africa: Supporting Civil Society Resilience" IDOS policy Brief 17/2023 - available online
"Free Universities: Putting the Academic Freedom Index into Action" with Katrin Kinzelbach, Janika Spannagel and Robert Quinn, GPPi Policy Report – available online
"No Rivals to the King. The Limits to Political Reform in Morocco's 'Enlightened Authoritarianism'" with Isabelle Werenfels in: SWP Comments 2017/C 17, May 2017 – available online (in german and english)
Unpublished Manuscripts
"Killing them softly? Assessing Pre-emptive Repression in Russia and Egypt" – with Ed Stoddard (University of Portsmouth) – download working paper
"Neutralization through Reform? Constitutional Reforms in Morocco 2011 and the Legitimacy of Contested authoritarian Regimes" – download working paper
"Share It or Lose It? Authoritarian Power-Sharing and Regime Stability in Multi-Ethnic States." – with Yannick Pengl (ETH Zürich) –
download paper manuscript
Book Reviews
"Die neuen Staatsfeinde. Wie Helfer syrischer Flüchtlinge in Deutschland Kriminalsiert werden." Buchen, Stefan 2014 Online rezension beim Alsharq Blog
“Europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik – Anspruch oder Wirklichkeit?“ Volker Epping, Christiane Lemke, Alim Baluch (Edts.), Berlin (LIT Verlag), in S+F. Sicherheit + Frieden. Security + Peace, volume 4/2011; pp. 292-4
“Geheimdienste in Europa - Transformation, Kooperation und Kontrolle” Thomas Jäger, Anna Daun (Edts.), Wiesbaden (VS Verlag), in S+F. Sicherheit + Frieden. Security + Peace, volume 2/2011; pp. 137-8
“The Afghanistan Challenge: Hard Realities & Strategic Choices” Hans-Georg Ehrhart / Charles C. Pentland (Edts.), McGill Queens University Press in S+F. Sicherheit + Frieden. Security + Peace, volume 2/2010; pp. 124-5
Analysis and Blog posts (selection)
"Der Schwindende Mythos der Facebook Revolution" at Qantara - available online
"Europe's misguided applause for Morocco's reform process" at Open Democracy - available online
"False solidarity. Military adventures in Syria are morally wrong and not effective." – with Jannis Grimm at the IPG Journal in international politics - available online (german only)
"A Plea for Diplomacy" piece on Syrian civil war and a potential way forward at the LSE Middle East Blog with Niklas Kossow - available online
"Der Sommer des Palasts. Marokkos Monarchie erstickt die Demokratie mit Reformen" - available online (german only)
"The Tunisian path. Challenging second phase of the transition" - available online (german only)
"The Securitisation of Stability and the Demise of the Arab Uprisings" at the LSE Middle East Blog - available online
“Prospects for the Middle East – Democratization & the Arab Spring” in the science category of the IFAIR think tank – available online
"Ägyptisches Paradox und europäisches Mantra - ein Gespräch mit Ilyas Saliba von Amnesty International über Menschenrechte am Nil" in: Al Sharq Blog – available online (german only)
For more non-Academic Publications such as opeds and interviews see my portfolio on torial